Wednesday, December 25, 2013

The Gift of Freedom

The greatest gift you can give someone on Christmas (or the other 364 days of the year) is the gift of freedom. Be the best ambassador for freedom you can be all year long. Spread the word that the answer to the world’s problems is freedom, charitable giving and personal responsibility… not government.

As my gift to you this year, I’d like to share with you the two men who have influenced my thinking more than any other. The two greatest gifts to freedom that the world has ever seen. Unfortunately, both are no longer with us.

Harry Browne:
Harry ran for US president in 1996 and again in 2000. He introduced me to libertarianism when a few years ago, I heard on old radio interview with him done in 1996 with Art Bell… I`ve been hooked ever since. He single headedly turned me into a libertarian. In the last few years of his life, Harry had a weekly radio show of his own. Blow is a link to one of those shows titled ``Selling Libertarian Ideas`` . I have listened to this episode several times and I`m sure I will again in the future.

Note: It`s a 5 part youtube video, I couldn`t find a version that was uninterrupted.

Milton Friedman:
I`ve only discovered him more recently but he had lots of great things to say. Every time I search youtube, I find more fascinating material. Here is my favourite video I`ve discovered so far:

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